Saturday, 12 March 2011

Jenny Don't Be Hasty

This is what i wore, today, i went shopping in Liverpool, hope you like it and erm yeah i decided on knee high socks to give it edge and what not 8)
hehe didn't end up being a good idea, got a few looks and i was cold and the only thing i got was some nail varnish :3

My work experience at that primary went down alright, i was put with a year 2 class, and it is now safe to say i am not going to be a primary teacher.. The children were lovely and the staff but i couldn't cope year after year!

So, let me know how this outfit goes down, and let me know if you did anything interesting today :)
Thank you for reading!


  1. The bag is so lovely! Love the layering of the sweater and the dress as well.

    At least you know that primary teaching is not for you, and you can find what you really love doing! :) x

  2. In reply to your comment - Well.. I've got a few more concerts lined up this year;). I literally spend all my money on them! I need to stop, its becoming an obsession! :D.

    Love the layering of the jumper and dress! I nearly bought that dress but it wouldn't look half as good on me! The knee high socks are so cute, love them!

    Oh dear, a year two class would be a nightmare for me, I'd so end up loosing it! Unless they were cute kids! :D
